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Why use Instructor
Powered by type hints
Instructor is powered by Pydantic, which is powered by type hints. Schema validation, prompting is controlled by type annotations; less to learn, less code to write, and integrates with your IDE.
Pydantic is highly customizable. You can define your own validators, custom error messages, and more.
Pydantic is the most widely used data validation library for Python with over 100M downloads a month. It's used by FastAPI, Typer, and many other popular libraries.
How to use Instuctor
Pydantic over Raw Schema
Say goodbye to complex abstractions and hello to simplicity that scales. Define your schema once with Pydantic and let Instructor handle the rest
Easy to try and install
Get all the functionality of the base client with some smart enhancements out of the box using just two parameters: response_model
and max_retry
Key features
Hooks into the most popular
Specify Pydantic models to define the structure of your LLM outputs
Flexible Backends
Seamlessly integrate with various LLM providers beyond OpenAI
Retry Management
Easily configure the number of retry attempts for your requests
Got questions about Instructor? Reach out on our discord channel and we'll help you out.
Notable contributors
© 2024 INstructor
Jason Liu